“Fuuse explores the diversity of modern societies and cultures with honesty and compassion. Whether on film or television, online or at live events, Fuuse seeks to bring voices and stories from the margins of the mainstream media into the heart of public discourse. Only through creating more inclusive dialogue across, and within, cultures and communities can we hope to foster understanding. Only through fearlessly confronting complex, controversial topics can we hope to challenge prejudice. That is my passion and this is Fuuse’s purpose.” – Deeyah Khan, filmmaker and Fuuse founder.

Deeyah Khan, filmmaker and Fuuse founder
Founded in 2010 and based in Norway and the UK, Fuuse is an independent media, education and arts production company that tells the stories of those often silenced or ignored by the media. Fuuse exists to make heard the voices of women, people from minorities and third culture kids, to encourage debate and to celebrate diversity.
Over the past few years, Fuuse has reached audiences of millions across more than 25 countries. Our first ever documentary film Banaz: A Love Story won an Emmy and Peabody award, and our follow-up documentaries, Jihad and White Right: Meeting the Enemy each received BAFTA nominations for best current affairs film. Muslim in Trump’s America, won Fuuse its second Peabody award and America’s War on Abortion took home a BAFTA award for best current affairs film and the best documentary award at the Edinburgh TV Festival. From our documentary films and our online magazine sister-hood, through to our music productions and our live events, Fuuse is fearless in its outlook and fierce in its attitudes.
“To say Deeyah Khan is an inspiration is an understatement. She is one of the bravest, most indomitable women I’ve met, facing down bullies and extremists with intelligence and unflinching spirit. Her documentaries show all these qualities in action as does her ceaseless passion for giving the voiceless a chance to be heard”. – Carol Midgley, The Times
The creative expression of Fuuse’s founder Deeyah Khan informs every aspect of what the company does. In addition to her deep personal involvement in all aspects of production of Fuuse content – all of which is done in-house – the values and vision of Fuuse is born of Deeyah’s personal experience. She explains: “When I was growing up, a third culture kid in a western country, I could never see anything resembling an authentic representation of me or my reality in a media landscape populated by the blue-eyed and the white-skinned. Though the media is now more diverse and a wider variety of stories from different perspectives are now being told, change is not happening fast enough to keep up with our ever-changing world. There is no reason that we should have to wait years before the media properly reflects the people who actually consume it but can so often feel neglected, even maligned and disenfranchised by it. I started Fuuse because, in the words of Gandhi, I believe that you should be the change you want to see in the world, and I want women, people from minorities, and third culture kids at the heart of telling their own stories, and not excluded from them or relegated to being spectators in their own lives. Telling those stories – stories that only we can tell – helps shatter stereotypes, challenge prejudice and has the power to change the way we understand each other. As Nigerian author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie says: ‘The single story creates stereotypes, and the problem with stereotypes is not that they are untrue, but that they are incomplete. They make one story become the only story.’
Fuuse is about telling diverse stories, across multiple platforms, for the widest audience possible.